African Music Reviews Index
Individual Performers:
Ansumana Bangura
- Sierra Leone People: Fankadama for Peace
Chinembiri Chidodo
- Ngoma Nkurira: Pure Spiritual Drum Grooves from Zimbabwe
Rakoto Frah
- Flute Master of Madagascar
Mukwesha nema Gwenyambira
- Matare: The Power of Mbira
Jali Sherrifo Konteh
- Mansalou: The Great Kings of Africa
Orchestra Marrabenta Star
de Moçambique, featuring Wazimbo - Marrabenta Piquenique
Virginia Mukwesha
- Farai: High Energy Jiti
Oliver "Tuku" Mutukudzi
- Ndega Zvangu
Koo Nimo
- Highlife Roots Revival
Orchestre Yamba Yamba Beto Ba
- Mvula Kitombo / Pluie Orageuse / Rainstorm
Shiyani Ngcobo
- Introducing ... Shiyani Ngcobo: Zulu guitars dance: Maskanda from South Africa
Seif Salim Saleh & Abdullah Mussa Ahmed
- Taarab 1: The Music of Zanzibar
Mustafa al Sunni
- Songs of the Sudan
Papa Susso
- Sotuma-Sere
Brian Zanji
- Africa–Zalila Ngoma (Africa, the drums are crying)
Various Performers:
- Music from the Jewish People of Uganda
Diet ke Jiëën ne Cuëny Thudän
- Songs of the Dinka of South Sudan
Delta Dandies
- Dance Bands In Nigeria, 1936-1941
Echoes of Africa
- Early Recordings
Ewe Drumming from Ghana
- the soup which is sweet draws the chairs in closer
The King's Musicians
- Royalist music of Buganda - Uganda
Living Is Hard
- West African Music in Britain, 1927 - 1929
Lute Music of North Africa
- Various unnamed performers
Master Fiddlers of Dagbon
Music of the Kalahari
Music of the Ovimbundu in Angola
Safarini: In Transit
- Music of African Immigrants
So Sabi
- Cape Verdean Music from New England
World of Gnawa
Africa Folk Music Atlas
- Book + CD-ROM & 3 CDs. Editors, Leonardo D'Amico & Francesco Mizzau.
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Updated: 1.12.12